Corey Snipes

Software/Systems Engineer, and all-around Good Chap 

Thoughts on LLMs

There's a common pattern underpinning technology hype cycles, that is basically a bunch of large companies saying "New Shiny Thing will reduce our costs and improve customer experience!" People get very excited about some new and compelling technology then everybody scrambles to figure out how to align it with their business. At the moment, it's "AI" or more specifically a small subset of Artificial Intelligence called Large Language Models (LLMs) which do a very good job of sounding like people…

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Memoirs of Robert J Snipes

My father was not a computer guy, but he was pretty good with machines. When he was in his early 70s, he spent some time learning how to use my mom's Mac so that he could write his memoirs. My mother helped a lot with editing. He printed and put them in a simple report binder, which I found very old-fashioned at the time. At some point the files from that computer were lost, but I managed to keep the…

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I really enjoyed the dark, meditative Icelandic mystery/thriller series "Katla". It's really well crafted, beautiful, and kept me guessing throughout. It's based in (and uses footage from) the real town of Vík, Iceland. 8 episodes on Netflix. At some point I stumbled over a Netflix suggested list of "European TV Shows" all of which looked great, but no amount of scrolling Netflix menus has brought that list back to me. Regardless, that list is what brought the show to my…

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The Edmund Fitzgerald

48 years ago this evening (November 10, 1975), a November storm claimed the ore hauler Edmund Fitzgerald and all 29 of her crew on Lake Superior. The weather was terrible, even for strong ships and experienced sailors. Sustained wind at 58 knots, gusts to 70, and sustained waves of 18-25 feet. The story of that ship, and those who tried to help, is very moving. Most of the people who have heard the story came to it through Gordon Lightfoot.

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Robert Snipes: Navy Diary, Tour 2 (1945)

This is one of my father's memoirs. He learned to use my mother's computer so he could write and print them for us. These are entries from his Navy diary during his second Pacific tour in WWII. For the full story and links to all memoirs, see this page. TOUR 2, ABOARD U.S.S. COWPENS APR. 20, 1945 - SQUADRON BOARDED U.S.S. GARDINERS BAY, A SEAPLANE TENDER, TO COMMENCE ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL TOUR OF DUTY, I HOPE. DEPARTED SAN DIEGO. APR. 21…

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Robert Snipes: Navy Diary, Tour 1 (1944)

This is one of my father's memoirs. He learned to use my mother's computer so he could write and print them for us. These are entries from his Navy diary during his first Pacific tour in WWII. For the full story and links to all memoirs, see this page. TOUR 1, ABOARD U.S.S. BATAAN, CVL 29 MAR.18.1944 - LEFT SAN DIEGO AFTER FEW VERY SHORT DAYS OF TAKING ON SUPPLIES AND PLANES. BEAUTIFUL HARBOR. MAR. 19 - SAILING WEST AT…

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My First 72 Years: Memoirs of Robert J. Snipes

(Completed March 4, 1995) This is one of my father's memoirs, the longest and most detailed autobiography. He learned to use my mother's computer so he could write and print them for us. This is the longer, more detailed version of his autobiography written the year prior. For the full story and links to all four documents, see this page. The following are recollections of some of the most memorable and treasured experiences -- some amusing -- of my lifetime.

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Robert Snipes: My Military Experience 1942-1953

This is one of my father's memoirs. He learned to use my mother's computer so he could write and print them for us. This is a list of his experiences serving in the US Navy, both during and after WWII. For the full story and links to all memoirs, see this page. AT THE TIME OF THE U.S. INVOLVEMENT IN THE WAR WITH JAPAN IN DECEMBER 1941, I WAS EMPLOYED BY THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE IN DALLAS, TEXAS. EARLY…

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