Music (4)


Getting Started with Bluegrass Jams

Bluegrass is one of the most social, and beginner-friendly styles of music on earth. If you are interested in getting started with bluegrass music, or just looking for some friends to play music with now and then, here are my suggestions. A great place to start is Pete Wernick's resources for slow jams and total beginners. They are inexpensive and I can vouch for the quality of Pete's material. I believe you can stream some or all of them. Also,…

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Renegades Podcast Discussion

Notes for discussion of the Obama/Springsteen podcast (and book) "Renegades: Born in the USA". Obama and Springsteen talk a lot about the American Experiment. In an ideal state, America is a melting pot of people from all nationalities, all cultures. Each person has a voice and a vote, and one vote isn't more valuable than another. In their view, this is why other countries are so interested in America. It's what it stands for. However, we are drifting away from…

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Getting Started with Tom Waits

I believe my musical tastes are finally matured such that I can finally appreciate Tom Waits. I asked my friends where I should start. These are my notes from those comments. These albums were mentioned as good starting points for the Tom Waits newbie. These were mentioned as favorite albums (not necessarily best starting points, but could be). This film and soundtrack were recommended: Big Time For the other map nerds (not my work)

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The Closing of El Chapultapec

COVID has permanently shuttered many bars and venues, but the announcement from El Chapultapec in Denver really hits home for me. This unassuming little bar in downtown was a long-standing institution in the music scene, not just locally but nationally too. You could go and hear incredible musicians in this tiny joint any night of the week, most playing not for the patrons but for the love and joy of music. National touring performers have been stopping by El Chapultapec…

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