RadioLab Shows About Plants and Trees

I love WNYC's RadioLab. The hosts are great, the topics are compelling, and the production of the show is just great. I really like the way they use sound and incorporate off-script words and phrases throughout the show and credits.

Here are three RadioLab shows about plants doing unexpected things (communicating, learning, sharing, etc).

  • Fellowship of the Tree Rings Discussion of tree rings and the study of earth and human history.
  • Forests on Forests Discussion of tree canopy research, and the incredible ecosystems thriving at the top of trees.
  • Smarty Plants Discussion of esearch on the complex sensory capabilities of plants, from finding water to... memory?
  • From Tree to Shining Tree Discussion of research related to the incredible underground connections supporting cross-species resource sharing and interconnectivity.  Really brings into question the traditional "individual trees fighting for resources" model.

As with every RadioLab show, they're fascinating.