Corey Snipes

Software/Systems Engineer, and all-around Good Chap 

How to Market Yourself as a New Software Developer

You're fresh out of college or code school, and you want to market your tech skills. How exactly do you get those first gigs? Here are some tips based on my experience in the field. Be honest about your capabilities. Some people will say "fake it till you make it" but that doesn't work for me and I'm no good at it anyway. I'd rather work with someone who knows their limitations than someone who thinks they know everything, and…

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Spice Up Your Next Web Demo with Bats

I decided to add a little spice to a web demo that happens to fall on Halloween. Thanks to Eric Grange over at DelphiTools, it was super easy. I updated his script slightly, to allow control over when the bats appear (and how many there are). You can include my js file directly, or download here, or clone from the github repo. To use it, follow these steps: First - Include the script in your header. This line uses my…

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My Facebook feed is on fire this week. The anti-Trump posts, ever present, seem to have reached a boiling point. Several people I know wrote posts requesting that any Trump supporters in their network defriend them immediately, be they acquaintance or blood relative. Lots of calls for Nazi punching. Normally I get a giggle out of the funny or ironic posts, but the stuff I'm seeing this week is alarming. America isn't getting less divided. It's going the other way…

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Why I Am Leaving Denver

My wife and I are planning a family move in 2018, relocating from Denver to Cleveland. There's no one thing that's pushing or pulling us, really. Many things aligned to make this a good time to consider a move. There's lot of great stuff happening in Denver, and it's a neat place to be. When I talk to people in other parts of the country, they often say "Oh, you're lucky! I'd love to live out there." Intentionally giving it…

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Why I Am Moving to Cleveland

My wife and I are planning a family move in 2018, relocating from Denver to Cleveland. There's no one thing that's pushing or pulling us, really. Many things aligned to make this a good time to consider a move. She went to college at Case Western Reserve University, so she has some familiarity with the city. She's always had good things to say about it. Until recently though, I had the typical outsider attitude: "Rust Belt city? Why would I…

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I've been involved with web-facing software development since 1998. I work primarily in the aviation industry with systems and software engineering, geospatial data, integration, prototyping, and analysis. My day-to-day work includes a variety of open source tools including NodeJS, Leaflet, jQuery, PostgreSQL, Geoserver. I spend a lot of time with languages such as java, javascript, and SQL. Problem spaces include integration of aviation new entrants (AAM, UAM, UAS), capacity & demand modeling, traffic flows, human factors, and communications. My full…

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Characodon Lateralis

(This post described my freshwater fish setups in 2016-2018.) "Old Grandpa" was the oldest male of my family of Characodon Lateralis "Los Berros" (aquarium strain) in Denver, CO, USA. Their numbers and habitats are declining rapidly in the wild. In the 1950s, they could be found in approximately fifty different locations in western Mexico, and today they can be found in nine. While not widely available, they are hearty, beautiful, and full of personality. Raising these fish in a home aquarium or pond is…

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