New Old Canoe
Maiden voyage (for me) of our old Grumman 17' aluminum canoe. What a nice way to spend time on the water. Also I'm told the day's wordle was "canoe" so that's fitting.
This is the Rocky River near Cleveland Ohio, just upstream of the Emerald Necklace marina. It's a really nice area and very accessible from our home. Miles and miles of connected river valley and multipurpose trail right through the city. It's surrounded by inner-ring suburb neighborhoods but it's easy to forget when you're down in there in the valley.

Some disappointing brown paint was added by a previous owner. According to the registration it was made in 1982 I think. Seems like with reasonable care it will last at least another 50 years.

Purchased via craigslist for $300. Transferring the registration from the previous owner cost $5.