Migrating to Static HTML
One this year's projects has been moving the (eight) websites I shepherd for various projects and community organizations from Wordpress to static HTML. I tried a bunch and settled on Hugo and Publii.
I used Hugo for several simple sites. It's good for some things but it's really only suitable for coders and the image handling is a headache. It's a fine choice for sites that are mostly text, with one or more technical site managers. It's a good one if you want to keep everything in source The Wordpress migration tool wp2hugo works very well, as described by Bastian.
Oct 26, 2024: I haven't finished the content migration, but using Wordpress is now such a grating experience for me, that I went ahead and made the static site live. A whole bunch of posts have been disabled until I can fix up the links and images. Everything will be restored little by little over the next few weeks. My Wordpress-to-Publii process (and some thoughts) are here.